© 2012-24 Graham Lloyd & King Slocombe School of Dance
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Payments to be made by BACS using your child’s full name as a reference Sort Code 20-17-20 Account Number 53538362
TERM DATES 2024-2025 AUTUMN TERM Term Commences 5th September Half Term 28th October - 3rd November* Term Ends 18th December *NB there will be classes for the junior show students on 2nd November Junior Show Dress Rehearsal 23rd November Junior Show Performances 24th November SPRING TERM Term Commences 6th January Half Term 17th February – 23rd February Term Ends 5th April Senior Show Dress Rehearsal 22nd February Senior Show Performances 23rd February SUMMER TERM Term Commences 22nd April Half Term 26th May – 2nd June Term Ends 17th July NB classes are on as usual on Monday 5th May